
Tailored to meet the needs of optometrists at all stages of their careers, with a separate dedicated masterclass program specifically for optical dispensers and practice managers.


The Clinical Conference

The O=MEGA23 Clinical Conference is presented by Optometry Victoria South Australia and World Council of Optometry. It will bring domestic and international speakers into a cutting edge educational program with a dual-stream format tailored to meet the needs of optometrists at all stages of their career. You can choose to attend the clinical conference over one, two or three days.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Attending the O=MEGA23 Clinical Conference and answering the assessment questions can earn you CPD hours. You will be provided with a username and password prior to the conference. You MUST login to register your attendance at each session during the conference.  Once you have logged in for one session you cannot login for another session in the same time period, as the system is set up for only one login per session per hour. 

Please note a daily breakdown of CPD/COPE is not currently available. This will be confirmed closer to the Conference.